Thursday, August 27, 2020

Regents Exam in U.S. History and Government free essay sample

On the off chance that you have or utilize any specialized gadget, regardless of how quickly, your assessment will be nullified and no score will be determined for you. Print your name and the name of your school on the lines above. A different answer sheet for Part I has been given to you. Adhere to the directions from the delegate for finishing the understudy data on your answer sheet. At that point fill in the heading of each page of your exposition booklet. This assessment has three sections. You are to respond to all inquiries in all parts. Utilize dark or dim blue ink to compose your responses to Parts II, III An, and III B. Part I contains 50 numerous decision questions. Record your responses to these inquiries as coordinated on the appropriate response sheet. Part II contains one topical exposition question. Compose your response to this inquiry in the article booklet, starting on page 1. Part III depends on a few records: Part III A contains the reports. At the point when you arrive at this piece of the test, enter your name and the name of your school on the main page of this segment. Each archive is trailed by at least one inquiries. Compose your response to each address in this assessment booklet on the lines following that question. Part III B contains one exposition question dependent on the records. Compose your response to this inquiry in the article booklet, starting on page 7. At the point when you have finished the assessment, you should sign the affirmation printed toward the finish of the appropriate response sheet, demonstrating that you had no unlawful information on the inquiries or answers before the assessment and that you have neither given nor got help with responding to any of the inquiries during the assessment. Your answer sheet can't be acknowledged whether you neglect to sign this statement. Try not to OPEN THIS EXAMINATION BOOKLET UNTIL THE SIGNAL IS GIVEN. Officials EXAM IN U. S. HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT Part I Answer all inquiries in this part. Headings (1â€50): For every announcement or question, record on your different answer sheet the quantity of the word or articulation that, of those given, best finishes the announcement or answers the inquiry. 1 Which geographic factor most straightforwardly affected the area of the main English settlements in North America? 1) streams along the Atlantic coast (2) accessibility of level land in the Midwest (3) gentle atmosphere along the Gulf coast (4) woods all through the Middle Colonies 2 The Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights were huge impacts on United States established advancement since they (1) gave testimonial to all people (2) put constrains on the forces of the administration (3) required the nullification of subjugation (4) bolstered the improvement of federalism 3 The Declaration of Independence contains a (1) proposition for rejoining the settlements and England (2) proclamation of complaints against the King of England (3) demand for an arrangement between the provinces and Spain (4) plan for sorting out the western regions 4 Which set of occasions identified with early America is in the right sequential request? 1) initiation of George Washington section of Stamp Act Battle of Saratoga French and Indian War (2) Battle of Saratoga French and Indian War entry of Stamp Act introduction of George Washington (3) French and Indian War entry of Stamp Act Battle of Saratoga initiation of George Washington (4) entry of Stamp Act French and Indian War introduction of George Washington Battle of Saratoga 5 Critics of the Articles of Confederation contended that it (1) forced uncalled for charges on the states (2) utilized a draft to raise a national armed force (3) gave a solid arrangement of government court s (4) put an excessive amount of intensity in the possession of the states 6 â€Å"†¦ Article 6. There will be neither bondage nor automatic subjugation in the said region, in any case than in the discipline of wrongdoings whereof the gathering will have been properly sentenced: Provided, consistently, That any individual getting away into the equivalent, from whom work or administration is legally guaranteed in any of the first States, such outlaw might be legitimately recovered and passed on to the individual asserting their work or administration as previously mentioned. †¦Ã¢â‚¬  †Northwest Ordinance, 1787 Based on this selection from the Northwest Ordinance, which proclamation is a substantial end? (1) The issue of bondage was generally overlooked before the Civil War. (2) Abolitionists had dealt with the Constitutional Convention. 3) Slavery was legitimately restricted in the Northwest Territory. (4) Enslaved people had naturally secured social liberties. 7 The Great Compromise empowered representatives at the Constitutional Convention (1787) to (1) build up the standard of famous power in the domains (2) give Congress the selective option to pronounce war if the country is assaulted (3) ensure the interests of states with little populaces and states with enormous populaces (4) accommodate the backhanded appointment of the president through the constituent school [2] U. S. Hist. Gov’t. †Jan. ’13 8 Which presidential activity is a case of the utilization of the unwritten constitution? 1) marking a law passed by Congress (2) assembling a conference of the bureau (3) requesting the naval force to watch the Persian Gulf (4) choosing a bureaucratic court judge 9 The significant advantage of having the versatile provision in the United States Constitution is that it (1) permits the legislature to react to evolving conditions (2) ensures the privileges of racial minorities (3) keeps one part of government from getting excessively amazing (4) builds up a postal assistance 10 How did Alexander Hamilton’s monetary arrangemen t influence the economy of the United States during the 1790s? (1) National expense incomes diminished. (2) High levies expanded remote exchange. (3) Treasury arrangements added to broad expansion. (4) The recently made Bank of the United States balanced out the economy. 11 One consequence of the acquisition of the Louisiana Territory (1803) was that the United States (1) obtained California from Spain (2) oversaw the port of New Orleans (3) finished outskirt clashes with British Canada (4) attached Florida 12 The choice in Marbury v. Madison (1803) was critical in light of the fact that it set up that the Supreme Court (1) had restricted controls over state courts (2) had the ability to pick its own individuals (3) could proclaim a bureaucratic law unlawful (4) could arraign the president and other government authorities 13 The sacred debate that drove legitimately to the beginning of the Civil War concerned the privilege of states to (1) control tax rates (2) sign bargains with outside countries (3) redraw congressional regions (4) withdraw from the Union U. S. Hist. Gov’t. †Jan. ’13 14 Which bunch profited most legitimately from the Supreme Court choice in Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)? (1) abolitionists (3) slave proprietors (2) outsiders (4) oppressed people 15 Which title best finishes the fractional framework underneath? I. __________________________________ A. California Gold Rush (1849) B. Residence Act (1862) C. Fruition of cross-country railroad (1869) (1) Factors Encouraging Westward Settlement (2) Government-Sponsored Transportation Programs (3) Recognition of Native American Indian Land Rights (4) Actions Promoting the Conservation of Natural Resources Base your response to address 16 on the section from the preliminary transcript beneath and on your insight into social examinations. †¦ MISS ANTHONY: When I was brought before your respect for preliminary, I sought after an expansive and liberal translation of the Constitution and its ongoing alterations, that ought to proclaim every single United State residents under its ensuring aegis [shield]â€that ought to pronounce uniformity of rights the national assurance to all people conceived or naturalized in the United States. Be that as it may, neglecting to get this justiceâ€failing, even, to get a preliminary by a jury not of my peersâ€I ask not tolerance at your handsâ€but rather the full rigors of the law. †¦ Sourc e: United States v. Susan B. Anthony, 1873 6 The protected corrections alluded to in this announcement were approved to (1) end the importation of slaves (2) increment government income (3) organization national Prohibition (4) give lawful rights to African Americans [3] [OVER] 17 Which articulation best depicts how the status of African Americans in the South changed not long after the finish of Reconstruction in 1877? (1) The Supreme Court reliably bolstered social equality for African Americans. (2) Poll charges and education tests were killed for African Americans. (3) Increasing quantities of African Americans were chosen for open office. (4) African Americans confronted expanding separation and isolation. 8 The hypothesis of free enterprise financial matters was utilized during the late 1800s to (1) legitimize unregulated business development (2) call for more purchaser security (3) bolster Progressive projects (4) accomplish equivalent circulation of pay Base your responses t o questions 19 and 20 on the speakers’ proclamations beneath and on your insight into social investigations. Speaker A: The most ideal approach to forestall debasement in government is to permit residents an immediate job in the authoritative procedure. Speaker B: Breaking up trusts and imposing business models will expand business rivalry. Speaker C: A significant objective of the government ought to be the assurance of our normal assets. Speaker D: Government will possibly improve when ladies are allowed full testimonial. 19 Which speaker’s articulation is most straightforwardly identified with the political ideas of activity, submission, and review? 1) A (3) C (2) B (4) D 20 Which two speakers’ perspectives reflect activities taken by Theodore Roosevelt when he was president (1901â€1909)? (1) An and B (3) C and D (2) B and C (4) D and A 21 The term maligner was utilized in the mid 1900s to portray journalists who (1) bolstered restrains on government guide line (2) uncovered maltreatment in American culture (3) needed the United States to boycott all movement (4) advanced racial mix

Saturday, August 22, 2020

K /10 Essays - Genealogy, Illinois, United States,

K:/10 I/T:/5 C:/10 A:/10 The Power of the Spoken Word Unit Test Name:Kelly Johnston Date: August ninth, 2018 Directions: It would be ideal if you answer all inquiries utilizing total sentences. Where demonstrated, utilize legitimate passage position. a. You ought to have printed a duplicate of President Obama's Inauguration Speech, and have it with you, so as to finish this test. Section A: Short Answer 1. a. What is the general tone of Obama's discourse? (1 K) The general tone of Obama's discourse is elevating and rousing. b. Bolster your answer with proof from the discourse. (1 T) As Obama says Together, we settled that an extraordinary country must think about the helpless and shield its kin from life's most noticeably terrible risks and hardship. Encouraging residents that together as one country they can shield each other from mischief and push each other towards significance. 2. Clarify how Obama's word usage adds to the general tone of the discourse. (1 K) Obama utilizes confident and moving words to hand-off his message. b. Bolster your answer with proof. (1 T) Obama utilizes words, for example, light'' and opportunity in segment 25, he additionally rehashes the word venture ordinarily in segment 19. In section 12 he utilizes flourishing'' and 'succeed''. These are instances of confident and rousing lingual authority. 3. a. Give guides to FIVE of the accompanying logical gadgets in the discourse: similar sounding word usage, similitude, inference, facetious inquiry, anaphora, parallelism, direct opposite, overstatement. (5 K) In the discourse Obama utilizes the accompanying logical gadgets to convince the crowd - Alliteration - In area 21 Obama utilizes similar sounding word usage by saying Substitute wary, rehashing the consonant sound s in line 2. - Anaphora - In segments 6,7 and 8 Obama begins each area by saying together. - Parallelism - In segment 1 Obama says We review that what ties this country together isn't the hues. of our skin or the precepts of our confidence or the sources of our names indicating parallelism as Obama causes us to accept that everything in the this sentence are of equivalent significance. - Antithesis - in segment 16 Obama says security and enduring harmony don't require ceaseless war this shows a reasonable differentiating relationship. - Allusion - Obama says to hear a King broadcast that our individual opportunity is inseparably bound to the opportunity of each spirit on Earth this is a portrayal of implication by demonstrating an alluding to the King. 4. a. Recognize one occurrence FOR EACH in which Obama sets up ethos, logos, and tenderness. (3 K) Ethos - In president Obamas discourse he shows ethos by utilizing words, for example, we and our and together. Tenderness - In the debut address Obama says, We are consistent with our belief when a young lady naturally introduced to the most depressing destitution realizes that she has a similar opportunity to prevail as any other individual, since she is an American, she is free, and she is equivalent, according to God as well as in our own.. Logos - In the initiation discourse President Obama rehashes to the crowd a few times we the individuals, this originates from the popular records. b. Bolster your answer with proof (clarification). (3 T) Ethos - By utilizing these words in his discourse he isn't simply alluding to the crowd however himself, this is a type of ethos since when he says those words he is additionally meaning himself as a reliable individual who they can trust. Emotion - When Obama says this he is pulling on the heart strings of the residents. By saying that a young lady brought into the world with nothing can become anything she needs to be in life causes American's to feel as though they can prevail throughout everyday life and scrutinize their fantasies. Logos - By utilizing we the individuals which was additionally utilized in the Declaration of Independence. By alluding to the Declaration, Obama seems dependable. Part B: Paragraph Answers 5. In ONE (1) all around developed section distinguish Obama's proposition which is the enticing objective of his discourse. What are the central matters of his contention? (5 A) In president Obamas discourse he utilizes What makes us excellent - what makes us American - is our faithfulness to a thought, verbalized in a presentation made over two centuries prior: in area 1 as his proposition sentence. In

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive Long Term MBA Planning Resume Preparation

Blog Archive Long Term MBA Planning Resume Preparation Throughout this series, we have repeated a simple mantra â€" get anything and everything (class visits, coursework, GMAT exams, etc.) done now so that you can focus on your applications come July. Your resume can be constructed now, and the final update to your most recent position can be added in October during the latest stages of the process. Aside from the obvious timing benefits in completing your resume now, you will also benefit from reflecting on your accomplishments, a process that will help you brainstorm essay ideas and enable you to remind your recommenders of your major achievements. As you strive to write a standout resume, you should think to yourself, “What are my accomplishments?” not “What were my responsibilities?” By rehashing your responsibilities, you will essentially be offering only the most basic information  about your position. Many candidates choose to write something like: “Responsible for managing $10M media campaign, supervising staff of five junior brand managers, monitoring daily sales volumes and ensuring consistent supply of product from five production facilities in three countries.” The problem with simply stating responsibilities is that the reader has no understanding of whether this individual was effective in his/her position. Was the media campaign successful? Did the staff of five progress? Did sales volumes increase? Did the supply of products reach its destination? By breaking each of these bullet points down, elaborating on each task and then showing the clear consequences of these actions, the reader learns of decisive maneuvers and, more importantly, results. Instead of “responsible for managing $10M media campaign,” offer more details on the task: • Initiated $10M television/internet “Island Vacation” promotion to introduce new Shine brand detergent… Then, offer clear results of your efforts_ • …surpassing first-year sales targets in three months. By following an action/results formula, you will offer the reader a consistent record of success and show that you have excelled in your work, which is, of course, your goal for your resume. We offer specific pre-application services for those interested in charting a clear course to their MBA. Share ThisTweet Long Term MBA Planning

Monday, May 25, 2020

A Shattered Myth in The Glass Menagerie Essay - 2485 Words

In Tennessee Williamss play The Glass Menagerie, we are introduced to a young lady named Laura. Being shy, to an extreme, Laura lives in a world of her own making. It is a socially limited world where she is safe from all lifes painful embarrassments. Laura has wrapped herself in a blanket of protection within the walls of her familys lower middle-class apartment. There in her protected fortress she cares for her collection of glass animals, a collection her mother calls the glass menagerie. There is a consistent parallel between Laura and her collection. Lauras glass collection is a physical extension of herself, representing her lifeless existence and the absolute fragility within her. The glass unicorn specifically†¦show more content†¦When we gaze through a translucent object, we observe that light passes through that object; however, the light passing through it is diffused such that objects viewed are not clearly visible. Entangled in her glass world Laura is protected, the light in her world so diffused she is unwilling to clearly see the reality existing around her. After crying out Laura turns her face away from the scene of her shattered glass, unable to even glimpse the reality of the situation. In doing this she chooses to remain in her glass world of diffused light. When Nancy M. Tischler speaks of Laura in her book Tennessee Williams: Rebellious Puritan, she says, she never steps into the world for fear it would be impossible to bear. She merely stands at the brink and catches what she can of its beauty without becoming a part of it (99). The scene illustrated above is an example of Lauras inability to cross the boundary line of her illusionary world, a world as delicate as the glass she keeps. Later, in scene five, Tom voices his concern for Laura when he covertly explains to his mother how Laura is different from other girls. Tom goes on to say that Laura simply lives in a world of her own,a world of-little glass ornaments. Let us consider the use of the word ornaments. An ornament is an object or feature that embellishes or decorates. As Tischler explains, Lauras collection of glass absorbs her time. She spends hoursShow MoreRelatedEssay Crushed Dreams in The Glass Menagerie1194 Words   |  5 PagesCrushed Dreams in The Glass Menagerie      Ã‚  Ã‚   Tennessee Williams is known for his use of symbols, tension, and irony. Williams uses all of these components to express the central theme of The Glass Menagerie - hope followed by despair. Each of the characters has dreams that are destroyed by the harsh realities of the world.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As the narrator blatantly admits, since I have a poets weakness for symbols, symbols are central to The Glass Menagerie (Williams 30). Symbols areRead MoreThe Glass Menagerie Essay1911 Words   |  8 PagesThe Glass Menagerie is what it states itself to be: â€Å"a memory play†. And, â€Å"being a memory play, it is dimly lighted, it is sentimental, it is not realistic† (Williams 5). In the very beginning of the play, it claims an air of foggy illusion- smeared on the windows of time and the narrator’s memory. The mystic undertones of Menagerie is essentially a tension in between the view of moving forward yet the truth of moving backward, suspended in between the realms of dream and destiny, balanced perfectlyRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Warehouse 997 Words   |  4 Pagescontributes to his nocturnal film-going behavior. Finally, when he does leave the Wingfield apartment, he entraps himself with memories o f Laura. He escapes one prison only to fall into another that of his guilty conscience, his nostalgia of home, the glass menagerie and old fashioned melodies. He is unable to function in the present and wanders aimlessly thinking of his sister. Jim, though not as severely as the Wingfields, also reverts to his past as he looks through high school yearbooks with Laura andRead MoreTennessee Williams – The Glass Menagerie – Jim as a Representative of the American Dream and the Ideology of Optimism and Progressivism2306 Words   |  10 PagesTennessee Williams – The Glass Menagerie Jim as a Representative of the American Dream and the Ideology of Optimism and Progressivism â€Å"He is the most realistic character in the play, being an emissary from a world of reality that we were somehow set apart from. . . . he is the long-delayed but always expected something that we live for.† (Williams 5) – Jims first introduction by Tom as a narrator is a crucial one, as it points to the ambiguity of Jims character. For theRead More Dreams of Escape in The Glass Menagerie Essay example2299 Words   |  10 PagesDreams of Escape in The Glass Menagerie    Anyone can handle a crisis, but day-to-day living is the most trying aspect of life (Jackson 19). This is especially true in the drama The Glass Menagerie. None of the characters in this tale is willing to or capable of living in the present. Everyday life becomes so mindless and oppressive that each characters dreams and fantasies become more important than reality itself. Through their dreams, Amanda, Tom, Laura, and Jim attempt to transcend realityRead More Dreams and Escape in The Glass Menagerie Essay2243 Words   |  9 PagesDreams and Escape in The Glass Menagerie    None of the characters in The Glass Menagerie is capable of living in the present. Everyday life is so oppressive that each character, through their dreams, retreats into a fantasy world. This essay will examine the reality faced by Amanda, Tom, Laura and Jim and probe how, through their dreams, each character attempts to transcend reality. Amanda, having lost her husband and having to take care of her two children, namely Tom and Laura

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Essay about Road Not Taken by Robert Frost - 638 Words

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost describes a physical journey of insight and learning. It is the figurative journey of the human spirit, as we travel through life making choices and decisions. The Road Not Taken is a metonym for individuality and the expression of it. So as we read and respond to the text, we see the physical journey contained becoming metaphorical, a reflection on our own lives and values. The poems rhyming scheme provides regularity and a sense of direction in conveying the personas physical journey. However the rhyming scheme differs from standard, indicating the unknown direction the persona will take, and reflecting the risk taking of non-conformity. We as responders are immediately placed in the same position†¦show more content†¦He educates us about the futility of journeys, that although the paths may be different the destination is often the same. He is asking the responder to apply this to our own life, and is encouraging us to take the risk and follow the deserted, alternative path. We are taught that it is the journey not the destination that matters, as we are travelers through life, constantly undergoing the experiences of the adventure. The poet sees himself telling this with a sigh somewhere ages and ages hence, explaining that his choice of path for his physical journey through life will influence his future for years to come. He is warning us to not make decisions lightly, and consider the outcomes of our choices. The poet is also questioning the responders thoughts as to what may have happened is a person had journeyed another ‘path of life, and so we momentarily evaluate our own lives. The role of fate plays a part in the physical journey, as detours distinguish between the real physical journey and the initial ideal journey. The poem acts as a catalyst for a reflection by the responder, essentially providing the responder with a chance to engage with change or new direction in life. The extended metaphor of the poem for decision making allows us to consider our outlook in life, and whether we take a conservative view in our choices, or are willing to take risks. As weShow MoreRelatedThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost983 Words   |  4 PagesThe poem â€Å"The Road Not Taken was written by Robert Frost, a four-time Pulitzer Prize winner in poetry, and also a special guest at President John F. Kennedy’s inauguration (Robert Frost Biography). Frost was born on March 26, 1874 in San Francisco, California and he died of complications from prostate surgery on January 29, 1963. Much of Robert’s popularity was gained throughout Europe (An Analysis of Robert Frost’s Poem: The Road Not Taken). Frost became a poetic force, and the unofficial poetRead MoreThe Road Not Taken by Robert Frost764 Words   |  3 PagesWritten by Robert Frost, â€Å"The Road Not Taken† deals with about making choices in life and how those choices affect your whole life. The meter of this poem is iambic tetrameter, for the most part. In most lines, the meter follows the rule with four iambs, which means that there is one unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. But the meter is not normal since, in some lines, an anapest, which means there are two unstressed syllables followed by one stressed syllable, is substituted forRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost1173 Words   |  5 PagesRobert Frost, one of America’s well-known poets is highly regarded for his realistic illustrations of rural life and poetry which is still relevant in today’s society. After being honoured on numerous occasions, he became one of America’s most popular public figures. Frosts’ poems reflect his greatness and his life in a variety of ways after he was confronted w ith such despair and grief after the passing of his father due to tuberculosis at just eleven years of age and his mother who passed awayRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost995 Words   |  4 Pagesthey can only move forward hoping for the best. â€Å"The Road Not Taken†, Robert Frost, 1916. In â€Å"The Road Not Taken† a traveler is strolling through the woods and comes across two different roads he could take, and unable to travel both the poet eventually chooses which path to take. The theme conveyed is about making choices. Frost does this through the use of diction, the use of figure of speech, and the use of imagery. To start with, Frost displays the main idea of decision making by the wordsRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost1055 Words   |  5 Pagesago. Either way, if you admit it now or in the wee hours of the night, like most people, you will come across this question at least once in your life. Robert Frost was able to grasp this raw, vulnerable life changing moment in the palm of his hand. Then he beautifully laid it out in the form of words in the narrative poem â€Å"The Road Not Taken†. Frost is able to take you back to a time when you have been faced with a life-changing decision. Then, causing you to ask yourself â€Å"Did I make the right choiceRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost940 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"The Road Not Taken† was written by Robert Frost in 1916, and it was the first poem in the collection Mountain Interval (Shmoop). Even though it was written many years ago, people of all ages still study this enticing poem. Frost wrote about coming to a fork in the woods and examining which path he should take and whether he might ever come back; the speaker believes each path is fine to take, but he takes the less used path (line 6). He wrote about this decision in clear, standard English. â€Å"TheRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost863 Words   |  4 PagesThe Poem, â€Å"The Road Not Taken†, by Robert Frost is a detailed poem about a conflict in a person’s life, dealing with having to take the right path throughout life. The Narrator of this poem is faced with a predicament when he comes across two paths. The choices that he makes in his life, can alter the future for better or worse. This poem describes his attitude and emotion towards his choices as well as, shows examples of themes, mood, and different literary devices. The title of this poem canRead MoreThe Road Not Taken, By Robert Frost968 Words   |  4 PagesPersonal Response 3 Title: The Road Not Taken Text Type: Poem Author: Robert Frost The poem, ‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost is about the â€Å"roads† and different paths we take in our lives. Frost wrote about a traveler who had to chose between two roads. He had to decide if he wanted to go down the well used or less used path. In the end, he went down the less used path. The theme of decision making and choices is shown in this poem. I think that this is a way of describing the choices we makeRead MoreRoad Not Taken, Robert Frost942 Words   |  4 PagesEnglish 101 Burstrem October 7, 2009 The Road Not Taken Life is full of choices and decisions that could ultimately change the outcome of our lives. In the poem, â€Å"The Road Not Taken† by Robert Frost, a traveler is destined to make that decision. This traveler man has to decide which road to take, one that is frequently traveled, and the one that is not. After contemplating which road to follow, he comes to the decision to take the road less traveled because he doesn’t want to follow inRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost1100 Words   |  5 PagesRobert Frost reflects that poetry â€Å"begins in delight and ends in wisdom†¦.It runs a course of lucky events , and ends in a clarification of life—not necessarily a great clarification, such as sects and cults are found on, but in a momentary stay against confusion† (931). His poem â€Å"The Road Not Taken† is a clarification of life. This paper will analyze and evaluate the formal elements of â€Å"The Road Not Taken† and consid er how these elements work together to fit the author’s purpose and clarification

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Are Magnet Recognition Program And Hospitals - 1476 Words

Maya Angelou once said, â€Å"As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the heart, mind, soul and body of our patients, their families and ourselves. They may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel† (4 Inspirational quotes that nurses value). To improve quality of patient care, in 1983, American Academy of Nursing started a program that helped identify traits of a hospital which would attract and retain nurses, that provide exceptional quality of care. This study founded what we today know as Magnet Recognition program and hospitals which have all the â€Å"forces of magnetism† known as Magnet Hospitals. The forces of magnetism described for 1984 study includes fourteen main points-1. Having nurse leaders who are†¦show more content†¦8. Organization should have enough resources to provide quality of care, make changes when appropriate and support its staff. 9. The nurses should be knowledgeable and competent to provide autonomo us, great quality of care to patients. 10. Partnership with community to form stronger healthcare behavior. 11. Development of staff, preceptorship program for new staff and academic students. 12. Nurses form an integral part of patient care and should provide services to best of their competency. 13. Having mutual respect in different disciplines and conflict resolution policy in place if needed. 14. Healthcare organization should provide support and guidance for professional growth and development of staff. Programs should promote education and certification for staff. After all of these 14 characteristics are fulfilled by an organization, it is provided with Magnet Recognition by American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). To initially apply an organization has to fill out an application, provide all the supporting documents and have to be re apply for designation every 4 years. As of now, there are 437 magnet hospitals worldwide out of which 430 hospitals are in United States. Providing quality care with exemplary professional practice to patients in hospitals and long term care facilities is one of the main objectives of the Magnet status recognition. During a study when patients were asked how they would describe their quality of nursing

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Sniper by Liam OFlaherty Summary free essay sample

We can see the theme of war is introduced to the story by each bad, disturbing of the human life after the war. We can see the author indicated the idea of cruelty, irrational, and futility of the war from the story, The Sniper. The cruelty of the war is hinted throughout the story by the action of the young sniper. The reason he joined the war might be, because of his youth and â€Å"the cold gleam of the fanatic on his eyes. † Since he is in his youth, he might have the alacrity and enthusiasm of the child who is filled with obsessive interest in the lust of war. Though he had been used to look at death, he later becomes bitter and disgusted looking at the people he has killed especially his brother forced by the cruelty of the war. In war, there are no boundaries for ages, gender, location, time of the day, and family ties. We will write a custom essay sample on The Sniper by Liam OFlaherty Summary or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This young sniper would be a typical example for its cruelty. As he killing the man from the tank and the old woman, he only see things only in term of warfare, but unaware of his futile attempt to turn the tide of the war to the benefit of the Republican and of his killing innocent people. A numerous of women, children and the elderly are killed in this civil war. Not knowing that these innocent people could be one of the sniper’s families, which the sniper discovers his enemy is his brother. Seeing the lack of security of the old woman and his enemy falling, â€Å"the sniper becomes bitten by remorse. The sweat stood out on his forehead. He revolted from the sight of the shattered mass of his dead enemy. His teeth chattered, he began to gibber himself, cursing the war, cursing himself, cursing everybody. † We can see that now he has found the cruelty of the war, while he had a great interest in war before. Now, he feels disgusted when he looks the mass of his dead enemy and begins to abhor the war and himself. From Irish civil wars in the story, the irrational of the war is inferred. Whenever the war happened, the soldiers were reduces from human beings to mere objects. Each of the individual in war becomes the target to be shot by the weapons from the range. War becomes the futile attempt for young people who do not know who they will be killing in the battle. The important moral to be learned from war is that there is no winner in war. Thousands and millions of people are killed in civil war and bombs are dropped into enemy’s country, there will still be no winner from both sides. Irish civil war is a double-edged sword and a controversial dilemma. Not only the war does not bring the beneficial result for the Irish people, but also separates families and having a huge impact on society and humanity in general. Moreover, the civil war claims a large number of lives and splits in the military forces, which the soldier of the forces killed their friends, relative or even their family in the opposing forces. Basically, this civil war created the huge hatred and history of violence between the people in the same nation. The futile of the war can be seen from the young sniper and the consequences of Irish civil war itself. Since there is no winner in the war, the countries or forces on both sides will lose especially the life of their people, and followers. Looking at the story, the young sniper himself finds the truth terrible waste of war when he turns over the dead man he has killed is his brother. The story lefts us with untold possible reaction of the young sniper after finding out he has killed his own brother. This kind of action could lead into his insanity or even into his suicide. The futility of hatred and violence, which made a brother kill his brother. Here, we can see that killing his brother is similar to killing the innocent people like the old woman in the story who in the position where she has lack of security. The woman might seem as an enemy to the sniper, but she is simply a woman who wants her life back from war. From the sniper’s perspective, he might see this as nothing unfair in his mind in killing the old woman, because he is looking her as an informant in the time of the war. Because of the war, this young sniper has been worried about his own protection and his enemy, therefore, he decided the people he sees into either allies or enemies and he becomes blind to distinguish who the people might be that he is killing,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Now, we see the cruelty, irrational and futility of the war through the young sniper killing his brother and the conflicts of Irish civil war itself. In conclusion, the violence is useless and often self- consuming. For instance, the Irish civil war that was suppose to be beneficial for Irish people, opened up several rifts in the Irish society rendering Ireland weak and devastated. Worst of all, the people were completely famished and emaciated, later these people finally got killed and died in futility.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Miracle-Ear Interviewing Guide Essays - Computer Performance

Miracle-Ear Interviewing Guide Candidate : Marie Weirich Location: Hopkinsville Position: PCC Salary: Availability: Actively Looking __________________________________________________________________________________________ Scalability : Assess if the candidate has the potential to grow beyond entry level performance . How did you hear about the opportunity ? What prompted your interest ? Are you presently working? Sustainability : Assess if the candidate is looking for a career or just their next job. What do you feel is your greatest professional accomplishment ? What steps have you taken to learn and grow in your career? How do you feel you will elevate our team performance? W hat steps do you take to learn how to use new technology or software? How do you handle objections based on cost? Summary:

Monday, March 9, 2020

What Should You Do Poverty Issue

What Should You Do Poverty Issue Today, many people in the developing countries die of poverty related causes. However, at the same time, there are many and extravagant individuals who spent fortunes on luxuries. The momentous question arising from this is, Are we responsible for other people?Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on What Should You Do? Poverty Issue specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More What should we do when faced with such situations? In reaction to this question, I will address two opposing viewpoints on how to deal with poverty. First the metaphor used by Garret Hardin of the ‘lifeboat’ and second, investing in luxuries like Bob and his Bugati illustration by Peter Singer. As an environmentalist, Garret Hardin used the earth imagery as a space ship with different countries as lifeboats, with the lifeboats and poor countries swimming in the moral sea. When the space ship goes adrift, these lifeboats can save people. Ho wever, they have a limited capacity say for only fifty people (Hardin 126). When the boat has forty, it can take ten more. If people on the lifeboats pick up more drowning individuals, they risk their own future survival (Hardin 126). Besides, the criterion of choosing whom to save is tricky. If the people on the lifeboats decide to save the few or none, their survival is possible if they can protect the boat from other people trying to get aboard (Hardin 130). It is clear that Hardin does not believe in reforms of social problems like corruption, incompetent leaders. He supports the hard way to learn. Instead, Hardin believes, the richer or more developed nations should simply stop assisting the impoverished countries, as that problem will eventually manage itself. Famines and disease check the population (Hardin 130). If we constantly help, population will grow unchecked, hence the need for more help. This will cause strain on the resources. Singer highlights stories of Bob, who h as a Bugati from savings and considers it immensely valuable yet not insured. This is his joy and pride. One day while packed at near a railways siding, he notices a runaway train headed to hit a child further down (Singer 61).Advertising Looking for critical writing on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The only way to stop that would be to sacrifice his car, to stop the train by pushing it on the track but he does not. The train kills the child. This is comparative to the rich states, which have the ability and opportunity to help by contributing to humanitarian aid like UNICEF and Oxfam America (Singer 62). I sympathize and, therefore, support Singers argument, which I deem logical and morally sound that it is sensible to make decisions on things based on the outcomes likely to be drawn – a classic utilitarian theory. Singer’s claim is that suffering and death because of lack of food or access and affordability of medication is unacceptable (Singer 61). If it was in our abilities to prevent these things from happening by sacrificing something else of comparable moral significance, we should do it. The analogy used for instance, saving a boy’s life by sacrificing his Bugati, Bob would have done a morally correct thing. However, this needs some moral clarifications like why save a child he did not there in the first place. Hardin’s opposing view is that we do not have a moral duty to redistribute justice since it would cause more population growth beyond what the earth can sustain (Hardin 130). His argument is based on Neo-Malthusian thought where exponential growth of the population does not match. Comparably, states as lifeboat cannot take on more passengers since that may cause it to sink (Hardin 130). This view does not hold water to me. First, some models of development purports that increase in wealth cause a decrease in population. This could ex plain why developed states have comparably lower birth rates than poor states. It makes sense, therefore, to sacrifice and give aid to help improve population policies of poor states. Hardin also assumes there is scarcity of food, which is not true in the case of developed nations as this, disregards the extravagant spending on luxuries by richer states (Hardin 130).Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on What Should You Do? Poverty Issue specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Besides, his views seem to be terribly harsh, as they seem to support deliberate ‘culling’ of poor people to decrease population. It is killing when we stand by and watch someone die when we were in a position of saving the life. This is morally wrong to overlook conscious choice of saving sacred life (Singer 61). Hardin argues that most of the aid does not even reach the intended people because of corruption and inefficiency in dis tribution (Hardin 130). This does not override Singers moral impact. If you know only 50% of you, aid will get to the person who needs it, then its actual 50% more of assistance they would have totally missed. Systems and corrupt leaders can be reformed. It makes insensitive to watch a poor child die because other people around him are merely doing nothing inaction by the group does not justify individual inaction (Singer 63). Each one of us makes numerous ethical choices, large and small, on a daily basis. Questions like should we give money to the hungry child. Should we hide the truth to protect vulnerable persons from feeling hurt? Should we put our lives at risk in while chasing a purse-snatcher? All these decisions give us the opportunities to reflect on what determines our humanity conscience. I support Singers argument that we should respond to duty of beneficence and offer moral help. Hardin, Garrett. Lifeboat Ethics: The Case against Helping the Poor. Psychology Today 8.4 (1974): 126-130. Singer, Peter. The Singer Solution to World Poverty. The New York Times Magazine, 5 Sept. 1999.Advertising Looking for critical writing on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Cross-Cultural Transaction Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cross-Cultural Transaction Management - Essay Example The Chinese space for individuals to make decisions appear to experience some direct influence from the government, the US has a liberal space for individuals to decide on many issues without a direct influence from the government. Politics around the social scene affects the cultural definition between the two countries with the Chinese culture being closely monitored and dictated upon by the strong political forces. The US democratic model is perhaps one of the most liberalized in the world making it one of the leaders in the most favored nation (MFN) in economic terms. In contrast, the Chinese political setting has been a socialist model that appears to be on the opposite end when compared to democracy, which depicts the setting as intolerant of democratic values and principles. Entering the Chinese market to set up shop is likely to be subjected to tight government bureaucracies than in the US. The government cronies found all over China may pose the greatest challenge to setting out investment due to their political inclination thereby affecting foreign investment. In addition, the highly patriarchal cultural system that is established in the political arena hinders the role of women in Chinese economy.The Motosuzhou management makes are defined by high political influence right from the organization structure. Considerations of the political influence that the Electrowide joint venture may have on the Chinese foreign policy of isolation based on its government structure come into the equation.... that the government has accorded Motosuzhou along side other 1000 companies in terms of liberal decision making, the role of Minister of Finance in the internal structure contradicts this assumption. Socialist model of the Chinese culture that emphasizes on understanding social attributes of the negotiation panel forwarded by Electrowide also consumed a lot of time that would otherwise have made progress in terms of the Americans’ estimation. Gender discrimination of female negotiator in the Electrowide team was not welcome from the Americans causing more frustrations. Negotiations failure between Electrowide and Motosuzhou Joint venture negotiations must contemplate the selection criteria of a partner for success in such negotiations, which were heavily compromised in the Electrowide and Motosuzhou case. During the negotiations, it was not clear what each partner was willing to obtain and offer as part of the joint venture. The Chinese team acted casually and did not utilize the time as the American team expected during the negotiations. Several assumptions were made by both parties which were not the exact positions of the intended entry strategies for the other parties. The accounting policies that the two firms applied in their operations were very different, for instance, in the treatment of manufacturing costs and their allocation in the books. For better performance of the joint venture, it is important that the internal operations of the firms are not very different for purposes of harmonizing the joint operations. As it also appeared in the disparities, Motosuzhou did not strictly comply with audit rules which are fundament in American corporate operations. Thirdly, communication is a basic necessity in the negotiations of a joint venture as well as during

Thursday, February 6, 2020

International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

International Marketing - Essay Example l have to make decisions based on the interests of its customers, governments, employees and other key partners in the different markets it will operate in. There are various operational actions that will vary with particular business environments that need to be taken into consideration. Differentiation of products or services offered by the company will therefore have to follow highly integrative guidelines for the success of its operations. For instance, Ooredoo is a communication company and therefore it will have to take into account the various communication habits of the different countries it intends to establish itself. The company will also have to be aware of legal provisions that are aligned to ethics which may be varying. Recognition of the mentioned and many more will enable the organization effectively strategize on its expansion plans. Secondly, the belief system of various countries may have an impact on the business strategy. The company will have to incorporate the various moral values and principles into its business culture according to the needs of the customers and society it will operate in. For instance, honesty, integrity and trust may be some of the varied values that may be differently preferred to by various customers according to their country of origin’s belief system. As a result of the beliefs, there might be consequences the company will have to face in the different regions of operations. The cultures of communities have a potential of pushing businesses to align to their demands. Same is the social components that have a connection with ethical concerns. Different countries, for instance, have consumer lobby groups that may demand for certain ethical standards to be met by companies. An organization like Ooredoo will therefore have... This paper stresses that factors in international trade are also important to the expansion planning process. The company will, for instance, have to take note of the various restrictions or economic barriers that exist in the target markets. For business to operate effectively, it will be important for the company’s management to examine the socio-cultural influences on product consumption and the values that are attached to service in the respective regions. Lastly, given the challenges of globalization noted above, the strategic positioning of the company with regards to different market issues will be important. The company will have to engage in product differentiation and market segmentation strategies, for example, so as to penetrate different markets. This paper makes a conclusion that ethical and globalization concerns raised above are therefore significant for the success of Ooredoo’s internationalization plans. The company will have to involve its research and design department to ensure that all the issues are well understood before management arrives at viable projects. With the opportunities presented by globalization and market liberalization, it is evident that so long as the company will be able to understand and act on different ethical and global perspective concerns, success will be more than guaranteed. As a leader in the provision of communication products, it is important that it maintains this position even in the identified international markets.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Crime And Intentional Tort Essay Example for Free

Crime And Intentional Tort Essay A crime is defined as â€Å"acts or omissions that are in violation of law† (Wests Encyclopedia of American Law, 1998). The states and the federal government have enacted criminal laws that define each of the crimes and prescribe penalties in case of violation or commission (Wests Encyclopedia of American Law, 1998). The two elements of a criminal offense are: â€Å"actus reus and mens rea; one is physical and the other, mental state† (Wests Encyclopedia of American Law, 1998). Thus, â€Å"actus reus must be causally related to the mens rea for a crime to occur† meaning that the evil intention of the mind must coincide with the physical manifestation through the unlawful act (Wests Encyclopedia of American Law, 1998). However, as an exception to this rule, the courts have in a line of judicial precedents ruled that in case of strict liability the person who may not be â€Å"at fault or negligent† shall be legally liable for damages to the injured party. The injured party will only have to prove that he sustained damages (Wests Encyclopedia of American Law, 1998). Moreover, courts allowed liability on the basis of the actus reus alone as being sufficient (Wests Encyclopedia of American Law, 1998). For instance, the employer is deemed liable for damages for the negligent acts of his employees while in the performance of their duties. Another example would be in the case of product liability where in the company is held liable for the injury sustained by a customer due to defective products. Crimes may be committed by natural and juridical persons. Natural persons are human beings while juridical persons are entities created by fiction of law deemed to be individuals capable of entering into contracts, owning and or possessing properties, enforcing rights and acquiring debts (Wests Encyclopedia of American Law, 1998). A corporation therefore is a person. Corporations may be held liable for civil damages for the acts and conduct of the employees it employees. This liability is known as vicarious liability (Wests Encyclopedia of American Law, 1998). Anent criminal liability, a corporation is not capable of committing a crime because it does not have a mind statelacking in â€Å"mens rea. † It is also a legal fiction and therefore, one cannot put it behind bars. The recent years however, showed a different trend from these arguments. Nowadays, an American corporation engaged in criminal activities such as fraud can be convicted when the criminal conduct of its employee or officer is proven. The federal government through the Deputy Attorney General cited the reasons for indicting corporations as being beneficial to public interests (Thompson, 2003). It â€Å"enables the government to address and be a force for positive change of corporate culture, alter corporate behavior, and prevent, discover, and punish white collar crime† (Thompson, 2003). The federal government not only prosecutes the corporation but also the officers or agents of the corporations who apparently are guilty and culpable. Two recent cases may be cited to illustrate this point. The prosecution of Ebbers where his former finance officer testified against him, resulted in at least a total of 85 years imprisonment consisting of â€Å"one count of conspiracy, one count of securities fraud and seven counts of false regulatory filings† (Associated Press, 2005). It was also discovered that manipulation on the books of accounting resulted in the amount of $ 11 billion (Associated Press, 2005). In another case, Reliant Energy Services, Inc. and four of its officers were criminally charged for â€Å"manipulation of the California energy markets† (U. S. DOJ web site, 2004). Thus, when there is corruption in a company, disrespect for the law, fails to see to it that internal mechanisms are in place to detect fraud and corruption and thereafter fails to cooperate in the investigation, the federal government vows to criminally prosecute the corporation (U. S.  DOJ web site, 2004). In both cases, the corporations involved were charged and prosecuted because of the pervasiveness of the violations such as when directed by upper management or when in conspiracy with the other officers of the corporation (U. S. DOJ web site, 2004). The rule of respondeat superior shall apply in case the violation is an isolated case as when committed by a single officer and with a compliance program being implemented by the corporation. The company can only act through its agents and officers, thus if an overwhelming majority have committed fraud or any criminal act, then such act is considered the act of the corporation—the mens rea being the mental state of the culpable officers and agents. This is penalized in accordance with the Sentencing Guidelines. In the two cases cited, the respective companies are guilty of a felony because the charges were of serious nature with an imprisonment of more than one year (Wests Encyclopedia of American Law, 1998). Corporate crime can be a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the penalty attached by law for its commission.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Weather and Environment Impacts in Brazil Essay -- Brazil Rainforest C

Weather and Environment Impacts in Brazil Manaus is a remote town located in a rainforest, so obviously there is a large influence by the weather on the environment around Manaus. Yearly it receives about 84 inches of rainfallinches of rainfall leading to the first environmental impact of the weather: flooding. Manaus is located near the junction of two major rivers, the Rio Negro and the Rio Solimoes, which combine slightly to the east of Manaus to from the Amazon river. The land is relatively flat, and therefore serves as a flood basin for the rivers. The average yearly fall of the river may be around 33 feet (1). The flooding is a risk to humans in that it may threaten the city and homes, but there is also important ecological benefits that stem from the inundations. The flooding of riverside forest provides important habitat for fish, particularly juveniles which can use the tree’s root structure to avoid predation (1). A potentially more controversial result of the flooding is that fields which are inundated are an important source of atmospheric methane, as well as good nursery grounds (1) Methane is a greenhouse gas, which may lead some individuals to call for flood control of the plains in an effort to limit greenhouse gas emission in Brazil. There is a dam built up river of Manaus, but there have been problems with Amazonian dams. Because of the rainforest large amounts of plant detritus ends up in the rivers, where it gets caught behind the dams and causes sedimentation, similar to silts in American rivers (2). Unlike north American sedimentation ho wever, the climate in Brazil allows for rapid breakdown of the plant detritus, acidifying the water and releasing large amounts of Methane into the air. The dams reservo... ... become. Fires also put particulate mater into the air, which is classified as a pollutant. References accessed 11/29/04 accessed 11/29/04 accessed 11/29/04 accessed 11/29/04 Bruijnzeel, L.A. Hydrological functions of tropical forests: not seeing the soil for the trees? Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 104:1 185-228 Durieux, L.; Machad, L.A.T.; Laurent, H. The impact of deforestation on cloud cover over the Amazon arc of deforestation. Remote Sensing of Environment 86:1 132-140 Lamb, H.H. Climate Change and the Modern World. New York, NY. Routledge 1995 Somerville, R.C.J. The Forgiving Air. Berkley, CA. University of California Press 1996

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Fin 4413

Finance 725Spring 2006 J. E. Hodder Corporation Finance Course Schedule Tuesday, January 17:Introduction Thursday, January 19:Clarkson Lumber Company Reading:Note on Financial Analysis a. How is the company's financial performance? (Examine  appropriate financial ratios. ) b. Why has Clarkson Lumber borrowed increasing amounts despite its consistent profitability? c. How has Mr. Clarkson met the financing needs of the company during the period 1993 through 1995? Has the financial strength of Clarkson Lumber improved or deteriorated? d. How attractive is it to take trade discounts?Tuesday, January 24:Clarkson Lumber Company (continued) Reading: a. Note on Financial Forecasting b. Note on Bank Loans a. How much of a loan will Mr. Clarkson need to finance the expected expansion in sales to $5. 5 million in 1996 and to take all the trade discounts? (Prepare a projected income statement for 1996 and a pro forma balance sheet as of December 31, 1996. ) b. As Mr. Clarkson’s financi al adviser, would you urge him to go ahead with, or to reconsider, his anticipated expansion and plans for additional debt financing? . As the banker, would you approve Mr. Clarkson’s loan request; and if so, what conditions would you put on the loan? Thursday, January 26:SureCut Shears, Inc. a. Evaluate SureCut’s financial performance using standard ratios. b. Why can’t SureCut repay it’s loan on time? In addressing this question, you may find it useful to construct a â€Å"sources and uses† statement for the period June 30, 1995 – March 31, 1996. Tuesday, January 31:SureCut Shears (continued) a. What actions would you recommend that SureCut take in order to address its financial problems? If Mr.Stewart agrees to a loan extension and your recommendations are implemented, when will SureCut be able to repay the loan in full? b. Would you, as Mr. Stewart, agree to a loan extension? What conditions or terms would you require? c. Compare the nat ure of the financial problems facing SureCut with those of Clarkson Lumber. Thursday, February 2:Advanced Technologies, Inc. Case Submission #1 Due a. In a volatile industry such as semiconductor equipment manufacturing, how useful is long-term financial planning? b. What are the key characteristics of ATI's markets and operating policies?How do these characteristics influence the company's financial structure? c. Has Mr. Michaels done a good job of financial planning? What set of possible conditions would place ATI under the greatest financing pressure, and how great would that pressure be? d. Should ATI sell equity in 1998, thereby bringing its financial structure more in line with those of its main competitors? Tuesday, February 7:Continental Carriers, Inc. a. How is the company's financial performance? (Examine  appropriate financial ratios. ) b. Given the nature of CCI’s business, how much debt can it support? . What are the respective costs of the different financing alternatives suggested? Thursday, February 9:Continental Carriers (continued) a. What information does the EBIT chart (Exhibit 3) provide? What inferences can we draw from it? b. What are the qualitative advantages and disadvantages of each of the forms of financing under consideration? c. How should the acquisition of Midland Freight be financed, taking into account the explicit costs of the different alternatives as well as other relevant considerations? Tuesday, February 14:Debt Policy at UST Inc . a.From the perspective of a bondholder, what are the primary attributes and business risks for UST? b. Why is UST considering a leveraged recapitalization after such a long history of conservative debt policy? c. Estimate the incremental effect on UST’s value if the entire $1 billion recapitalization is implemented immediately (January 1, 1999). Assume a 38% tax rate and perpetual debt. Also analyze, via a pro forma income statement, whether UST will be able to make interest pay ments. d. Would UST be better off with a different initial debt level? Should it adjust the debt level through time? e.Will the recapitalization hamper UST’s ability to maintain its long history of dividend payments? Thursday, February 16:No Class Meeting A â€Å"make-up† session is tentatively scheduled for 7:00 PM on Thursday February 2nd. The topic will be a brief review of Capital Structure Theory. Tuesday, February 21:Stone Container Corporation (A) a. Compare Roger Stone’s growth and financial strategies with those of his predecessors. b. Examine the sensitivity of Stone Container’s earnings and cash flow to the paper and linerboard pricing cycle. Assume sales volume of 7. 5 million tons per year and a 35% marginal tax rate.What would be the effect of a $50 per ton price increase? Is such an industry-wide price increase plausible? c. What should be Stone Container’s financial priorities in 1993? d. Of the financing alternatives described in t he case, which would be in the best interests of Stone’s shareholders? Which would be in the best interests of its high-yield debt holders? Which would be favored by its bank creditors? Thursday, February 23:Stone Container Corporation (continued) Case Submission #2 Due Tuesday, February 28:. Pioneer Petroleum Corporation a.Does Pioneer estimate its overall corporate weighted average cost of capital correctly? b. When evaluating projects and allocating investment funds among divisions, should Pioneer use a single corporate cost of capital or multiple divisional hurdle rates? If multiple rates are used, how should they be determined? c. Should all projects within a single division use the same hurdle rate? If not, how should different standards be determined? Thursday, March 2:Marriott Corporation: The Cost of Capital (Abridged) a. Are the four components of Marriott's financial strategy consistent with its growth objective? b.Why does Marriott use divisional hurdle rates inst ead of either a company-wide rate or project-specific rates? c. Estimate the WACC for Marriott as a whole. What risk-free rate and risk premium did you use in estimating the cost of equity? How did you measure the firm's cost of debt? Tuesday, March 7:Marriott Corporation (continued) a. Estimate the cost of equity, cost of debt, and WACC for Marriott's lodging and its restaurant divisions. b. What is the cost of capital for Marriott's contract services division? How can you estimate that division's equity costs without publicly traded comparable companies?Thursday, March 9:Pressco, Inc. (1985) a. What is the Net Present Value (NPV) of the mechanical drying equipment investment opportunity (as of December 1985) assuming a 12% cost of capital for Paperco? Assume the rumored new tax proposal is not enacted and the new equipment is installed in December 1986. b. What is the NPV of the investment project assuming that the new tax proposals are enacted, the new drying equipment is install ed in December 1986, and Paperco signs a binding purchase contract soon enough to be eligible for the 8% Investment Tax Credit and the use of ACRS depreciation? . Ms. Rogers knows that Paperco's management incorporated a 6% general inflation assumption into its overall cost of capital estimate. She also knows Paperco's management felt that fuel costs would remain unchanged through 1990 and then rise at 6% per year thereafter. How much, if at all, would the use of this information change the project's NPV estimate? Spring Break Tuesday, March 21:. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co. : Titanium Dioxide a. What are Du Pont's competitive advantages in the Titanium Dioxide market as of 1972? How permanent or defensible are they?What must Du Pont do to retain its competitive advantages in the future? b. Given the forecasts provided in the case, estimate the incremental cash flows associated with Du Pont's growth strategy and its maintain strategy for the Titanium Dioxide market. How much ris k and uncertainty surround these future cash flows? c. How might competitors respond to Du Pont's choice of either strategy? What other factors should Du Pont consider in making this decision? Which strategy do you recommend? Thursday, March 23:. Wilmington Tap and Die a. Are the inflation assumptions used in the cash flow projections onsistent with the implicit inflation assumption in a 20% hurdle rate? b. Critically evaluate the sales forecasts for Wilmington, its competitors, and the market as a whole. Why does exhibit 7 indicate a declining market share for Wilmington? Why are other competitors growing more rapidly than Wilmington? c. Is it reasonable to assume that the competition will not purchase new technology grinders (either Icahn or one of the apparent German alternatives)? If instead you assume that Wilmington's competitors purchase modern grinders, how should the sales forecast be modified? d.What are possible implications of the higher quality taps produced on the Icah n (or similar) machines for unit sales projections and possible pricing differentials? e. Are there other aspects of the cash flow estimates which should be questioned? Tuesday, March 28:Wilmington Tap and Die (Continued) Case Submission #3 Due Thursday, March 30:Interco a. Assess Interco's financial performance. Why is the company a takeover target? b. As a member of Interco's board are you persuaded by the premiums paid analysis (exhibit 10) and the comparable transactions analysis (exhibit 11)? c.How does Wasserstein Perella's estimated valuation range of $68 – $80 per common share for Interco result from the assumptions in exhibit 12? As a member of Interco's board, which of those assumptions would you have questioned? d. How would you advise the Interco board on the $70 per share offer? Tuesday, April 4:Bougainville Power Station Reading:Brealey & Myers, Chapter 19 OR Ross, Westerfield, & Jaffe, Chapter 17 a. What are the values of loan subsidies on the English and Japan ese bids? b. What are the Present Values for the Interest Tax Shields on each bid? . Is 100% debt optimal for the power station equipment purchase? If not, how should the bid evaluations be adjusted? d. What is the appropriate discount rate for evaluating the Base Case NPV? Thursday, April 6:Southport Minerals Inc. a. What are the pros and cons of the approaches suggested in the case for evaluating the Firstburg Project? What are the advantages of APV compared with the approaches in the case? b. How would you estimate an unlevered cost of equity for this project? c. How should anticipated inflation be incorporated in the project evaluation? . Are there any assumptions regarding projected cash flows or loan repayments that you feel are either overly optimistic or overly pessimistic? Tuesday, April 11:Southport Minerals (continued) Case Submission #4 Due Thursday, April 13:Option Pricing and Real Options I Reading:Brealey & Myers, Chapters 20-22 OR Ross, Westerfield, & Jaffe, Chapters 22 and 23 Tuesday, April 18:Option Pricing and Real Options II Thursday, April 20:Option Pricing and Real Options III Tuesday, April 25:Wire Tel a.Estimate the value of the first generation product using APV. How much of that value is due to financing with the secured bank loan? b. What is the effect of the being able to sell the manufacturing equipment for $4 million in year three if demand for the first generation phones is low? c. What must be the minimum value of the growth option represented by the second generation product in order to justify starting Wire Tel? Thursday, April 27:MW Petroleum Corporation (A) a. Is it reasonable to expect that the MW properties are more valuable to Apache than to Amoco?What sources of value most plausibly account for the difference between buyer and seller? b. Value all the MW reserves using APV. Is your estimate more likely to be biased high or low? What are the sources of bias? c. How would you structure an analysis of MW as a portfolio of a ssets-in-place and options? d. Focusing on proved undeveloped reserves, what is the strike price for the embedded option? What are the current asset value, volatility, and other input parameters needed for an option valuation? Tuesday, May 2:MW Petroleum Corporation (continued) Case Submission #5 Due Thursday, May 4:Course Review Fin 4413 Finance 725Spring 2006 J. E. Hodder Corporation Finance Course Schedule Tuesday, January 17:Introduction Thursday, January 19:Clarkson Lumber Company Reading:Note on Financial Analysis a. How is the company's financial performance? (Examine  appropriate financial ratios. ) b. Why has Clarkson Lumber borrowed increasing amounts despite its consistent profitability? c. How has Mr. Clarkson met the financing needs of the company during the period 1993 through 1995? Has the financial strength of Clarkson Lumber improved or deteriorated? d. How attractive is it to take trade discounts?Tuesday, January 24:Clarkson Lumber Company (continued) Reading: a. Note on Financial Forecasting b. Note on Bank Loans a. How much of a loan will Mr. Clarkson need to finance the expected expansion in sales to $5. 5 million in 1996 and to take all the trade discounts? (Prepare a projected income statement for 1996 and a pro forma balance sheet as of December 31, 1996. ) b. As Mr. Clarkson’s financi al adviser, would you urge him to go ahead with, or to reconsider, his anticipated expansion and plans for additional debt financing? . As the banker, would you approve Mr. Clarkson’s loan request; and if so, what conditions would you put on the loan? Thursday, January 26:SureCut Shears, Inc. a. Evaluate SureCut’s financial performance using standard ratios. b. Why can’t SureCut repay it’s loan on time? In addressing this question, you may find it useful to construct a â€Å"sources and uses† statement for the period June 30, 1995 – March 31, 1996. Tuesday, January 31:SureCut Shears (continued) a. What actions would you recommend that SureCut take in order to address its financial problems? If Mr.Stewart agrees to a loan extension and your recommendations are implemented, when will SureCut be able to repay the loan in full? b. Would you, as Mr. Stewart, agree to a loan extension? What conditions or terms would you require? c. Compare the nat ure of the financial problems facing SureCut with those of Clarkson Lumber. Thursday, February 2:Advanced Technologies, Inc. Case Submission #1 Due a. In a volatile industry such as semiconductor equipment manufacturing, how useful is long-term financial planning? b. What are the key characteristics of ATI's markets and operating policies?How do these characteristics influence the company's financial structure? c. Has Mr. Michaels done a good job of financial planning? What set of possible conditions would place ATI under the greatest financing pressure, and how great would that pressure be? d. Should ATI sell equity in 1998, thereby bringing its financial structure more in line with those of its main competitors? Tuesday, February 7:Continental Carriers, Inc. a. How is the company's financial performance? (Examine  appropriate financial ratios. ) b. Given the nature of CCI’s business, how much debt can it support? . What are the respective costs of the different financing alternatives suggested? Thursday, February 9:Continental Carriers (continued) a. What information does the EBIT chart (Exhibit 3) provide? What inferences can we draw from it? b. What are the qualitative advantages and disadvantages of each of the forms of financing under consideration? c. How should the acquisition of Midland Freight be financed, taking into account the explicit costs of the different alternatives as well as other relevant considerations? Tuesday, February 14:Debt Policy at UST Inc . a.From the perspective of a bondholder, what are the primary attributes and business risks for UST? b. Why is UST considering a leveraged recapitalization after such a long history of conservative debt policy? c. Estimate the incremental effect on UST’s value if the entire $1 billion recapitalization is implemented immediately (January 1, 1999). Assume a 38% tax rate and perpetual debt. Also analyze, via a pro forma income statement, whether UST will be able to make interest pay ments. d. Would UST be better off with a different initial debt level? Should it adjust the debt level through time? e.Will the recapitalization hamper UST’s ability to maintain its long history of dividend payments? Thursday, February 16:No Class Meeting A â€Å"make-up† session is tentatively scheduled for 7:00 PM on Thursday February 2nd. The topic will be a brief review of Capital Structure Theory. Tuesday, February 21:Stone Container Corporation (A) a. Compare Roger Stone’s growth and financial strategies with those of his predecessors. b. Examine the sensitivity of Stone Container’s earnings and cash flow to the paper and linerboard pricing cycle. Assume sales volume of 7. 5 million tons per year and a 35% marginal tax rate.What would be the effect of a $50 per ton price increase? Is such an industry-wide price increase plausible? c. What should be Stone Container’s financial priorities in 1993? d. Of the financing alternatives described in t he case, which would be in the best interests of Stone’s shareholders? Which would be in the best interests of its high-yield debt holders? Which would be favored by its bank creditors? Thursday, February 23:Stone Container Corporation (continued) Case Submission #2 Due Tuesday, February 28:. Pioneer Petroleum Corporation a.Does Pioneer estimate its overall corporate weighted average cost of capital correctly? b. When evaluating projects and allocating investment funds among divisions, should Pioneer use a single corporate cost of capital or multiple divisional hurdle rates? If multiple rates are used, how should they be determined? c. Should all projects within a single division use the same hurdle rate? If not, how should different standards be determined? Thursday, March 2:Marriott Corporation: The Cost of Capital (Abridged) a. Are the four components of Marriott's financial strategy consistent with its growth objective? b.Why does Marriott use divisional hurdle rates inst ead of either a company-wide rate or project-specific rates? c. Estimate the WACC for Marriott as a whole. What risk-free rate and risk premium did you use in estimating the cost of equity? How did you measure the firm's cost of debt? Tuesday, March 7:Marriott Corporation (continued) a. Estimate the cost of equity, cost of debt, and WACC for Marriott's lodging and its restaurant divisions. b. What is the cost of capital for Marriott's contract services division? How can you estimate that division's equity costs without publicly traded comparable companies?Thursday, March 9:Pressco, Inc. (1985) a. What is the Net Present Value (NPV) of the mechanical drying equipment investment opportunity (as of December 1985) assuming a 12% cost of capital for Paperco? Assume the rumored new tax proposal is not enacted and the new equipment is installed in December 1986. b. What is the NPV of the investment project assuming that the new tax proposals are enacted, the new drying equipment is install ed in December 1986, and Paperco signs a binding purchase contract soon enough to be eligible for the 8% Investment Tax Credit and the use of ACRS depreciation? . Ms. Rogers knows that Paperco's management incorporated a 6% general inflation assumption into its overall cost of capital estimate. She also knows Paperco's management felt that fuel costs would remain unchanged through 1990 and then rise at 6% per year thereafter. How much, if at all, would the use of this information change the project's NPV estimate? Spring Break Tuesday, March 21:. E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co. : Titanium Dioxide a. What are Du Pont's competitive advantages in the Titanium Dioxide market as of 1972? How permanent or defensible are they?What must Du Pont do to retain its competitive advantages in the future? b. Given the forecasts provided in the case, estimate the incremental cash flows associated with Du Pont's growth strategy and its maintain strategy for the Titanium Dioxide market. How much ris k and uncertainty surround these future cash flows? c. How might competitors respond to Du Pont's choice of either strategy? What other factors should Du Pont consider in making this decision? Which strategy do you recommend? Thursday, March 23:. Wilmington Tap and Die a. Are the inflation assumptions used in the cash flow projections onsistent with the implicit inflation assumption in a 20% hurdle rate? b. Critically evaluate the sales forecasts for Wilmington, its competitors, and the market as a whole. Why does exhibit 7 indicate a declining market share for Wilmington? Why are other competitors growing more rapidly than Wilmington? c. Is it reasonable to assume that the competition will not purchase new technology grinders (either Icahn or one of the apparent German alternatives)? If instead you assume that Wilmington's competitors purchase modern grinders, how should the sales forecast be modified? d.What are possible implications of the higher quality taps produced on the Icah n (or similar) machines for unit sales projections and possible pricing differentials? e. Are there other aspects of the cash flow estimates which should be questioned? Tuesday, March 28:Wilmington Tap and Die (Continued) Case Submission #3 Due Thursday, March 30:Interco a. Assess Interco's financial performance. Why is the company a takeover target? b. As a member of Interco's board are you persuaded by the premiums paid analysis (exhibit 10) and the comparable transactions analysis (exhibit 11)? c.How does Wasserstein Perella's estimated valuation range of $68 – $80 per common share for Interco result from the assumptions in exhibit 12? As a member of Interco's board, which of those assumptions would you have questioned? d. How would you advise the Interco board on the $70 per share offer? Tuesday, April 4:Bougainville Power Station Reading:Brealey & Myers, Chapter 19 OR Ross, Westerfield, & Jaffe, Chapter 17 a. What are the values of loan subsidies on the English and Japan ese bids? b. What are the Present Values for the Interest Tax Shields on each bid? . Is 100% debt optimal for the power station equipment purchase? If not, how should the bid evaluations be adjusted? d. What is the appropriate discount rate for evaluating the Base Case NPV? Thursday, April 6:Southport Minerals Inc. a. What are the pros and cons of the approaches suggested in the case for evaluating the Firstburg Project? What are the advantages of APV compared with the approaches in the case? b. How would you estimate an unlevered cost of equity for this project? c. How should anticipated inflation be incorporated in the project evaluation? . Are there any assumptions regarding projected cash flows or loan repayments that you feel are either overly optimistic or overly pessimistic? Tuesday, April 11:Southport Minerals (continued) Case Submission #4 Due Thursday, April 13:Option Pricing and Real Options I Reading:Brealey & Myers, Chapters 20-22 OR Ross, Westerfield, & Jaffe, Chapters 22 and 23 Tuesday, April 18:Option Pricing and Real Options II Thursday, April 20:Option Pricing and Real Options III Tuesday, April 25:Wire Tel a.Estimate the value of the first generation product using APV. How much of that value is due to financing with the secured bank loan? b. What is the effect of the being able to sell the manufacturing equipment for $4 million in year three if demand for the first generation phones is low? c. What must be the minimum value of the growth option represented by the second generation product in order to justify starting Wire Tel? Thursday, April 27:MW Petroleum Corporation (A) a. Is it reasonable to expect that the MW properties are more valuable to Apache than to Amoco?What sources of value most plausibly account for the difference between buyer and seller? b. Value all the MW reserves using APV. Is your estimate more likely to be biased high or low? What are the sources of bias? c. How would you structure an analysis of MW as a portfolio of a ssets-in-place and options? d. Focusing on proved undeveloped reserves, what is the strike price for the embedded option? What are the current asset value, volatility, and other input parameters needed for an option valuation? Tuesday, May 2:MW Petroleum Corporation (continued) Case Submission #5 Due Thursday, May 4:Course Review

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Hr Website Reviews - 1407 Words

Human Resource Website Review For this website review of human resource websites, it will cover the websites and Each one of these websites is a great site to use as a resource for their own respective category inside of human resources. This review will compare the same questions to keep the measurements fair, and will provide screenshots to use as demonstrations to provide visions throughout the paper. The first website that will be reviewed is SHRM stands for â€Å"Society for Human Resource Management†. The mission and purpose of SHRM is to produce a community open to a wide range of customers including human resource professionals, governments, media, businesses, to talk about the human†¦show more content†¦The other human resource website I reviewed is IFEBP stands for â€Å"International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans†. The mission and purpose for IFEBP is to provide education and source of employee benefits, compensation, and financial education. ( This website plays an important role in human resources because it plays an important role in teaching employees and employers about benefits and compensation. Compared to the other website where it looked at human resources as a whole, IFEBP looks at a specific section within human resources. IFEBP serves to Canada, public employee, co rporate/single employer, multiemployer, and service providers. This means that a company can belong to this site where anyone can grant with access can look around, or people who are employees so they can further educate themselves. Companies may join this site to become more aware of trends, and how to have better employee benefit practices for the entire company. There are over 34,000 members who belong to IFEBP. ( Please see a screen shot below of all the different sectors. IFEBP is a non-profit organization, which has a nine-member executive member board that serves the company’s leadership roles. Roles range from President to Secretary. Also, a past President sits on the board. [pic] The IFEBP website offers educational programs and certificate programs to its members. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Human Resource Management ( Shrm ) Essay903 Words   |  4 Pagesalso need a connection to the local HR community, which membership in THCRA will provide. TCHRA will enable me to attend their events and conferences, which will provide me with networking opportunities. TCHRA also has a job board with available local HR jobs, which will be a useful resource to me as I begin my job search. Joining TCHRA is a simple process. As I am already, a student member of SHRM I can become a member by simply registering on their website. 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